Stayin' Alive at your 9 to 5
Whether you work from home, on the road, or in an office, your health shouldn’t take a backseat to your career. It’s not uncommon to experience midday cravings, low willpower, or, worst of all, that nagging backache that just won’t go away. So, how do we combat these unwanted work-induced side effects? Let’s explore some options.
Movement is Medicine
It’s no secret that prolonged bouts of sitting negatively impact your health. In fact, this lack of movement can increase your risk of developing a variety of conditions – high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease to name a few. As for that sore back that you just can’t shake? Sitting isn’t helping that either. These side effects might sound a bit intimidating; luckily the solution isn’t so scary. The best thing you can do for your body is move. Start small.
- Choose a different parking spot. If you drive to work, park in a spot further away from the building. Getting in these few extra steps before and after your day is a mindless way to increase your overall movement. As an added benefit, it can grant you a bit of time to prepare for your day and decompress once it’s done.
- Take the long way. Each time you visit the restroom, take the long way. You might choose a longer route or perhaps a different restroom altogether. You’re already up and moving, so you might as well treat yourself with some added mileage. Remember, small steps add up!
- Think Thirty. Set a timer to go off every 30 minutes. Each time your watch starts to buzz, get up and move. Take a lap or two around the building (inside or out), go check in with a coworker or ask your boss face-to-face that question you’ve been meaning to send in an email. These extra steps will also help you mentally, as they can provide a quick brain break before hunkering down for the next 30-minutes.
Share the Sugar
Whether you’ve got extra cookies at home or a bowl of candy sitting right on your desk, share these sugary sweets with your co-workers. Place them in a common area such as a break room. This way, if you want a treat, you’ve got to work for it. The further away the temptations, the lower your chances of being a repeat cookie-offender. And, if you brought the sweets from home, you’ll no longer have the option to choose desserts over dinner. Out of sight, out of mind.
Keep the Water Flowing
Some people find hydrating easiest at work because it becomes part of an already rigid schedule. For others, hydration takes a back burner to all the work that needs to get done. If this sounds like you, stay tuned. I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve!
- Set a timer. If you’ve already got a 30-minute movement timer, use it for hydration as well. A couple sips every 30 minutes is an easy way to stay ahead of dehydration. Whenever your timer goes off, swig some water then get moving!
- Customize your water bottle. All you need is a sharpie and a see-through water bottle. Draw evenly-spaced dashes, top to bottom, and write times next to each dash. When the time on the clock matches the time on your bottle, drink until your water reaches that line. If you’re not sure how much water you should be drinking, try starting with 4-8 ounces every hour. Remember, if you’re thirsty, you’re not drinking enough. If you’re afraid of making a mistake with a permanent marker or you don’t want to vandalize your drinking vessel, you’re in luck. There’s a multitude of options online for pre-marked water bottles!
Whether you power through lunch without eating or you munch all day on whatever is available, let’s rethink snacking. Now, there’s nothing wrong with snacking…as long as you make the right choices. Small snacks rich in fiber and/or protein – fruit, yogurt, protein bars, nuts, etc. are great go-to options. Not only will they tide you over until your next meal, but they’re a quick fix to lethargy and brain fog. As your body begins metabolizing these snacks, its systems will ‘reawaken’.
Think of a light snack as a light switch. If you want your ‘light’ to stay on longer, go for protein. It takes our bodies a while to process protein, which keeps us fuller and energized longer than simple carbs (cookies, candies, etc.) do. Whether you snack throughout the day in place of meals or you grab a car snack to tide you over until dinner, find what works for you and keep it healthy!
Take Away
Staying on track with your goals during the workday doesn’t have to interfere with your schedule. Making small changes whose benefits add up over time is both feasible and sustainable. Small walks, frequent sips, and smart snacking are three great practices for bettering your health. Remember, small changes generate big results.
Additional Sources
Edward R. Laskowski, M.D. “Sitting Risks: How Harmful Is Too Much Sitting?” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 21 Aug. 2020,
“Why You Should Move – Even Just a Little – throughout the Day.” Harvard Health, 1 Nov. 2020,