are you healthy? let's find out.
What does good health look like to you? Is it someone who eats well and works out six times a week? Or maybe you define health as the lack of disease or illness. Chances are, we all have different definitions of ‘good health.’ Regardless of the definition, do you think you are in good health? Let’s see what the experts have to say…
What is health?
The World Health Organization defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Complete physical, mental and social well-being. This sounds a bit intimidating. I can’t tell you the last time I felt totally stress-free with a seamless diet and perfect exercise. But, lately, I’ve been feeling pretty good about my overall health. Am I….not….healthy? If you’re feeling a bit unsure, let’s take a step back and delve into the components of wellness. Maybe this will give you peace of mind.
Health is an ever-changing state of being; your health will wax and wane as life goes on. This is where the six components of wellness come into play. Think of wellness as subcategories of overall health. Let’s look at how you match up. Which areas of wellness are you conquering, and in which areas may you need improvement?
Emotional wellness
Everybody has ups and downs. Stellar days and setbacks. Emotional well-being doesn’t mean being happy all the time. It’s more concerned with how we cope with our feelings. Are you good about reaching out for help when you need it, or do you close yourself off and never mention your problems? Do you tend to be pessimistic in most situations, or do you remind yourself that bad things happen and there are brighter days ahead?
Accepting your feelings and properly managing them can be difficult, but seeking guidance can be even harder. Take care of yourself first and foremost. Reach out to a physician or counselor when things start to feel out of your control.
occupational Wellness
Whether you work from home, are a stay at home parent, own your own business, or work for a large corporation, are you happy? Does working every day feel like a burden to you, or do you look forward to most days? We all have bad days. Not every day needs to be ‘perfect,’ but are you mostly happy with your employment decision? If you are, that’s awesome! Truly awesome. If you’re not, is it worth risking your happiness?
‘Powering through’ a 40 hour work week may seem doable, but factor in the overtime, weekend hours, and disrupted sleep, and what do you get? Work shouldn’t control your existence. Remember, you have a life outside of work. If you’re struggling to find the separation, try talking with your colleagues, manager, or boss. Explain what you’re experiencing and ask for help. If you have sought out their assistance, but to no avail, perhaps it’s time to start exploring your options. Life is too short to be miserable for most of your waking hours.
Social Wellness
Whether you have a few close friends or you’re a social butterfly, how are your relationships with others? Do you enjoy spending time with family and friends, or is it something you dread? Healthy relationships, both romantic and otherwise, are ones which include support and encouragement. Do your relationships build you up? Do you build up those around you?
There is more to social wellness than healthy relationships. Think societal, but start small. Imagine society as your neighborhood community. Are you the first to lend a helping hand? Do you offer a smile and a quick ‘hello’ when passing others? Do you actively try to make the world around you a better place? If this is an area in which you need help, you might try volunteering. You may be surprised how wonderful it feels to help other people for no benefit of your own. Go solo or grab a group of friends and start making changes, no matter how small they may seem.
intellectual wellness
While being an avid reader certainly keeps your mind sharp, there are other ways to improve your intellectual wellness. It’s all about continuous learning. For my artists out there, do you explore different mediums and step out of your comfort zone? If you own a business, are you actively developing a plan to grow and make an impact? Maybe you love playing games. Are your games mentally stimulating? Do they challenge you to think critically?
Intellectual wellness refers to the growth and stimulation of one’s mind. This looks completely different from one person to the next, so don’t base your intellect off of others’. The most critical thing to ask yourself is, ‘Am I going through the motions, or am I actively challenging myself?’
spiritual wellness
The word ‘spiritual’ is often interchanged with ‘religious.’ While this may be true in some cases, there is more to spiritual wellness. If you are religious, do you uphold your beliefs outside your place of worship? Does your religion provide you with meaning on a deeper level?
Religious or not, let’s look at personal spirituality. This can be as complex as pondering the meaning of the world, or as simple as your appreciation for life. Are you someone who views situations with an open mind and a listening ear? Or do you tend to quickly judge and refuse the beliefs of others? Prayer, meditation, journaling, or just spending time alone with your thoughts are all ways to enhance your spiritual wellness. At the end of the day, are you practicing what you truly believe is right?
physical wellness
Arguably the most sought after area of health, physical wellness refers to how we treat our bodies. Again, this will look different for every individual. While some may abstain from alcohol, others may be trying to cut back to two drinks a day. Some people work out twice a day for an hour each time, while others squeeze in a 30 minute workout at the end of most days.
Many factors play a role in our physical health. It’s not important what your goals may be. What matters is that you’re doing what you can with what you have to reach these goals. Breaking habits can be incredibly difficult, but persistence is the only thing that will change them. Do you push yourself every day to create healthier habits, or do you let your excuses take over? If motivation doesn’t come easy to you, reach out to your physician or find a personal trainer to help you get started.
Woah. That was a lot of information. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Rather than trying to change all areas of your health at once, use this article as a tool of reference. Start by focusing on just one component. Once you’ve made lasting improvements, try to tackle a different component. Whatever path you take and whatever changes you choose to make, don’t waste any more time. You owe it to yourself. Dig deep, find your ambition, and get started today.
“Constitution.” World Health Organization, World Health Organization,
“The Six Dimensions of Wellness.” National Wellness Institute,